I've got questions on my health

  • What about the HPV vaccine? Chevron vers le bas

    As part of the catch-up vaccination, vaccination is recommended and therefore free:
    - for young girls and young women between 15 and 19 years old.
    - up to the age of 26, in men who have or had sex with other men and in trans people.
    Vaccination, beyond these ages, may be recommended and paid for at the Spot on medical advice.

  • I have questions about my reproductive health Chevron vers le bas

    You can come to the Spot to discuss your reproductive health. We will support you and guide you to professionals suited to your situation and your needs: choice of contraception, recourse to abortion, pregnancy monitoring ... We provide emergency contraception free of charge (up to 5 days after the at-risk report).

  • Do I have any vaccines to do, is it free? Chevron vers le bas

    Vaccination is free according to vaccine recommendations. For certain exceptional situations, there may be extended vaccine proposals compared to the recommendations. Each situation has to do with the accompanying persons and the medical team.

  • I have symptoms of an STI or have been told that I have had an STI, what should I do? My-my partner has an STI can I get treated too? Chevron vers le bas

    For all these questions, it is best to come directly. They deserve to take the time for a medical consultation at the Spot, in a context of listening and benevolence. Everything will be done to answer your questions, screen and treat if necessary.

  • I am affected by HIV and / or hepatitis, what can I find at the Spot? Chevron vers le bas

    The Spot does not yet carry out HIV monitoring. But you can find there a collective space for discussion around seropositivity, proposals for health weekends (weekend of rest and reflection on how to live well with HIV), groups designed by and for HIV-positive women, etc.
    You also have the possibility to screen for other STIs as regularly as you wish, to come and talk about chemsex, collect equipment, etc.
    If you are affected by hepatitis C, and if there is no contraindication, you can benefit from treatment and all follow-up directly at the Spot. In the event of hepatitis B, you will be referred to a competent hospital service which can assess the need for treatment or regular monitoring.

  • I have a positive result, can I come to the Spot? Chevron vers le bas

    First of all, no panic! Come discuss your results with our guides and our medical team. We will see together what are the best treatment options for you and your partners.

  • I had unprotected sex less than 48 hours ago Chevron vers le bas

    At the Spot, you can have access to post-exposure treatment (T.P.E). TPE is recommended for receptive or insertive anal and vaginal intercourse and oral sex with ejaculation, if the people involved belong to a high prevalence group: men who have sex with men who have multiple partners, injecting drug users, workers. women of gender or people from high prevalence areas (Africa, Caribbean, South America, Asia). TPE should be taken within 48 hours of exposure. It is prescribed for 28 days, with in parallel assessments adapted to the exposure situation. If you want PrEP, you can start taking it when you stop taking TPE.

  • I want to do one or more screenings, when to come? Chevron vers le bas

    In view of the incubation and seroconversion times of the various STIs detected, the results are completely reliable 6 weeks after exposure to a risk. Do not hesitate to redo the tests within these deadlines if necessary. Special case: the reliability times for hepatitis C tests are 3 months after exposure. Getting tested for HIV is the only way to know your HIV status, it is best to do it every 3 months if you have several partners. If you have had a relationship unprotected by a condom and you are one of the groups at high risk for HIV, by coming to the Spot you can benefit from reliable testing 8 days after exposure.

You haven't found the answer to your question?

Contact us directly on the hotline, or come meet us to chat face to face.

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