The Spot, a place for me ?

  • I need listening and support Chevron vers le bas

    Do you feel isolated and not satisfied with your sex life? Do you need LBGTQI friendly PSY tracking and good addresses? Come see us, The Spot is not just a place for people who want testing! We know how to speak and listen, without taboos, about sex and all fields of emotional life. We have time for that, we are here for that! For psy follow-up, we have friendly addresses if you want follow-up in town. If you have financial or other brakes to consult in town, there are also free consultations every week with the Spot's super psychologist.

  • Who is the Spot for? Chevron vers le bas

    Le Spot is a community sexual health center, authorized by CeGIDD (Free Information and Diagnostic Center), supported by the AIDES association. It is particularly intended for LGBTQI people, migrants, sex workers and consumers of products, that is to say, people who, through their life course, are more vulnerable to HIV. , hepatitis and STIs. The Spot is a completely free place, with or without an appointment according to your needs.

  • I need social support, can I come to the Spot? Chevron vers le bas

    Yes of course. At the Spot, you can meet a social worker by appointment to get help in your access to rights procedures: help with asylum application files in particular, for those related to sexual orientation, right to social security, access to housing, employment, etc.
    If you are a person living with HIV requesting a residence permit for treatment, we can also assist you in your procedures and finance part of the purchase of the stamps necessary to obtain the permit.

  • I am a sex worker Chevron vers le bas

    The Spot provides the necessary equipment for sex work, standard or xl condoms, gels, black gloves S-M-L, intimate wipes, disinfectant wipes for surfaces ...
    We also offer a monthly self-help group: "Le Goûter de Putes", one Monday per month. It is a space for discussion, conviviality and non-mixed support between sex workers with the Strass - Syndicat du Travail Sexuel.

  • I am a minor, can I come to the Spot? Chevron vers le bas

    Yes, you don't have to be an adult to benefit from the Spot offers. All interviews and exams are confidential and free. Only vaccinations are subject to the compulsory authorization of persons with parental authority.

  • I have been a victim of sexual assault Chevron vers le bas

    Have you had unwanted sex? Do you find it difficult to set your limits?
    It takes courage to talk about unwanted sex, whether as a couple, at the end of a night, with someone you know or you don't know. At the Spot, you will be welcomed with kindness. You can tell us what you want, and be supported in what suits you. Sometimes all you need is a listening, which won't be judgmental or overly compassionate. Sometimes you want to leave a trace, a testimony somewhere, or find help filing a complaint.
    For all this, there are answers to the Spot. We have resources and partners to direct them to.

  • I don't have any security rights, can I come to the Spot? Chevron vers le bas

    The entire offer is accessible to everyone, regardless of rights. If you are having difficulty accessing your rights, we can direct you to the Spot social worker who can check in with you and support you in your efforts.

You haven't found the answer to your question?

Contact us directly on the hotline, or come meet us to chat face to face.

Appointment on doctolib Flèche vers la droite